What do you call a bee who’s having a bad hair day? A frizz-bee

Spring is here, time to go wild! Oh what fun to be a child

Grow through what you go through

Call the children out to play, Spring is here with summer on the way!

Green grass pokes between my toes, the scent of flowers fill my nose

Although it’s raining all day long, the drops on my roof sound like a song

Can you hear the birds sing: it’s Spring!

Nights grow short and days grow long, as Springtime comes to sing her song

Cherry blossoms are in bloom, the smell of Spring’s sweet perfume

Breathe deep the smell of nice fresh air, as the Spring wind plays with your hair

Is there anything more beautiful you have seen, than Spring meadows lush and green?

“I don’t have ducks. I don’t have a row. I have squirrels, and they’re at a rave.”

Celebrating Spring! Quotes, Art & Folklore

-Amanda Bergloff

Air waited impatiently, stamping her feet on the ground.
Fire wondered aloud why they were always kept waiting.
Earth said it had always been this way.
Winter moved off on the horizon and disappeared.
All was still.
A curtain of mist fell across the landscape, and the assembled Elementals all held their breath.
Then, the curtain parted, and she stepped from the Beyond in a delicate shimmering cloak that glittered with all the power of starlight and dreaming. Droplets of water most pure intertwined to form the sheer silver fabric that took four maidens to hold up
It was time for the flowers and the land to be awakened, and only her touch could do it.
All bowed before her when she walked by, and she nodded in their direction.
Where she passed, gentle rain called the flowers forth.
Air, Fire, and Earth all sighed. They knew they were in the presence of pure endless beauty, and their beloved one had returned.
The wait had been worth it, and the world bloomed into its Ethereal Spring.

The Spring has come again
For the grass is growing green,
And among the fields of clover
Bright butterflies are seen.
The little birds are singing sweetly
As they fly from tree to tree...
The busy bees are gathering
The honey from the flowers,
And the merry birds are building
Their nests in sheltered bowers...

--Josephine D.C., Spring

"Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is." ~ Jessica Harrelson

There is no winter without snow,
no spring without sunshine,
and no happiness without companions.

~ Korean Proverb


Rainbows are a beautiful symbol of spring as the rains fall on the awakening spring landscape, and the rainbow is a reflection of the perfect balance of the physical world. The rainbow spectrum also helps us understand the physical nature of the universe, and the colors of the rainbow, seen in a spectroscope, takes the universe apart to the smallest detail. Everyone enjoys rainbows, so check out some rainbow trivia below!

Iris was the Greek goddess of the rainbow
A rainbow is light refracted through millions of droplets of water
Each wavelength of light has a rate of vibration and produces the colors of the rainbow
The angle of light refraction to create a rainbow is 42 degrees to the eye of the observer
The order of the rainbow spectrum is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet

Roy G. Biv - The way to remember the colors of the rainbow

Sir Isaac Newton discovered the seven distinct colors of the visible spectrum seen in the rainbow
The seven colors of the rainbow correspond to the seven energy centers of the body
What we see, feel, hear, taste and smell exists between the frequencies of red and violet
Rainbows are positive energy
Rainbows have relaxing and healing qualities
Rainbows are the universal symbol of peace and harmony
Rainbows and music are made of the same stuff just vibrating at a different frequency
It takes both the sun and rain to make a rainbow
Rainbows in the environment create good Feng Shui
The true shape of a rainbow is a complete circle

Easy Rainbow Desserts

Try these simple rainbow snacks at: watching the recipe at: 5 Easy Rainbow Snacks for Spring

May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun
And find your shoulder to light on,
To bring you luck, happiness and riches
Today, tomorrow and beyond.

~ Irish Blessing

And the Spring arose on the garden fair,
And the Spirit of Love fell everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth's dark breast
Rose from the dreams of its wintry rest...

~ Percy Bysshe Shelley, The Sensitive Plant

Blodeuwedd is the Welsh Goddess of spring.
Her name means, "flower face," since the great magicians, Math and Gwydion, created her from broom flowers, meadowsweet, and oak.

Folktales say that because she was unfaithful to her husband, she was turned into an owl by the same magicians that made her, to forever remain in that form, reminding people of the fragility of love and beauty.

This Welsh Goddess represents the themes of hope, beauty, relationships, and charity. Blodeuwedd also embodies the temporary beauty of spring and the bright blooming that ends up coming full circle through the seasons. She is the promise of autumn visible in spring.


April showers bring May flowers - is a reminder that even unpleasant things, such as the heavy rain in April, can bring about enjoyable things, such as the abundance of flowers that bloom in May.

Dandelion predictions - When dandelions bloom early in spring, there will be a short season. When they bloom late, expect a dry summer.

Spring & Daisies - Don't say spring has come until you can put your foot on nine daisies.

The shapeshifting hare - Not only is this animal associated with spring, but magic as well.
The hare is linked to rebirth and intuition, bringing the secret gifts of the underworld up into the ordinary world as the light of the sun increases during springtime.
The Celts believed the hare to be a shapeshifting being, and thus was sacred to them...so much so, that it was taboo to kill one up until Victorian times.

Weather lore & trees - If the oak is out before the ash, then we are in for a splash. But, if the ash is out before the oak, then we are in for a soak.

3 Spring Superstitions from Transylvania:
1) Tying a trinket to a tree in spring brings wealth and good luck.
2) Listening to a cuckoo bird sing brings prosperity.
3) Farmers who work their land on May 21st will lose their crops.

Celebrating Beltane
- Beltane (on May 1) is a celebration of nature and marks the start of the traditional planting season.
It's a time for feasting and merry making.
People can write a wish upon a ribbon and tie it to a tree, in the hopes that it will be granted.
Hawthorn, ash, thorn and sycamore trees are believed to be the best wish making trees.
And dew gathered on Beltane is thought to have special properties for increased beauty and youthfulness.

"Is the spring coming?" he asked.
"What is it like?" "It is the sun shining on the rain
and the rain falling on the sunshine."

~ Frances Hodgson Burnett

Through primrose tufts, in that green bower,
The periwinkle trailed its wreaths;
And 'tis my faith that every flower,
enjoys the air it breaths.
The birds around me hopped and played,
Their thoughts I cannot measure--
But the least motion which they made
It seemed a thrill of pleasure...

- William Wordsworth, Lines Written in Early Spring

Read The Fragrant Month of May by Amanda Bergloff

Read more Amanda Bergloff Quotes, Art & Folklore