Cherry blossoms are in bloom, the smell of Spring’s sweet perfume

Breathe deep the smell of nice fresh air, as the Spring wind plays with your hair

Is there anything more beautiful you have seen, than Spring meadows lush and green?

“I don’t have ducks. I don’t have a row. I have squirrels, and they’re at a rave.”

Iris, Gallery

Iris, Most Beautiful Flower

Iris, most beautiful flower,
Symbol of life, love, and light;
Found by the brook, and the meadow,
Or lofty, on arable height.
You come in such glorious colors,
In hues, the rainbow surpass;
The chart of color portrays you,
In petal, or veins, of your class.
You bloom with the first in Winter,
With the last, in the Fall, you still show;
You steal the full beauty of Springtime,
With your fragrance and sharp color glow.
Your form and beauty of flower,
An artist's desire of full worth;
So Iris, we love you and crown you,
- Edith Buckner Edwards (AIS bulletin January 1961)

Christian Symbolism

One of the most popular flowers at the Getty—due to Vincent van Gogh’s famous painting—irises also have Christian symbolism. They are associated with the Passion of Christ and the Resurrection, probably because the flower blooms in spring around Easter.

Iris Symbolism in Christianity: What Its Flower Mean?

Iris Symbolism in Christianity – In Christianity Iris flowers symbolise delightfulness, charm and love of God. Ultimately it is associated with beauty, courage and hope. Iris flower means in bible is about hope, positiveness, faith, wisdom, acceptance and trust. Spiritually iris represents glory, grace and dedication.

The Iris is one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. It has been used for centuries as a symbol of different things in many cultures. In Christianity, Iris is often used as a symbol of faith. Let’s take a closer look at Iris symbolism in Christianity and find out why this flower is such an important symbol in this religion.

The Iris: myth and message

The Iris has a mysterious association with the rainbow. According to Greek mythology, the goddess Iris was a messenger between the gods and mortals. Her golden wings and winged feet carried the goddess on her frequent visits from heaven to earth. She always chose to descend along the rainbow with the wind blowing her on her way. It was thus that the symbolic meaning of the Iris came to be: ‘I have a message for you’. This makes irises perfect to give as a gift, but why not also treat yourself to these gorgeous flowers?

More Iris stories
History Of Iris Development

Iris is the Greek goddess of the rainbow which is an appropriate name for the iris flower. Meaning & Symbolism of Irises
The iris's mythology dates back to Ancient Greece, when the goddess Iris, who personified the rainbow (the Greek word for iris), acted as the link between heaven and earth. It's said that purple irises were planted over the graves of women to summon the goddess Iris to guide them in their journey to heaven. Irises became linked to the French monarchy during the Middle Ages, eventually being recognized as their national symbol, the fleur-de-lis.

Read more Iris: A Brief History.