Example of complementary hexadecimal color.

Input Color
Complementary Color

Try it!

Color: Complement

How to use!

Function: rgb2hex( [multiple Ints: R,G,B] or [single Int: COLOR] )

Description: Change 3 RGB Ints or single Int to a Hexadecimal color.
Parameters: 1. (required) Either R, G, B as Ints or a single Integer representing all of R, G, and B.
Return Values: Returns a six-digit hexadecimal color representation of the RGB value with the hash mark '#'.
$c.rgb2hex(153 ,153, 153) // multiple Ints, returns: #999999
$c.rgb2hex(153)           // single Int, returns: #999999
0.1: Added
1.1: Changed the `for` loop to a better method. Added 3 separate variable for R G & B, using R only for single color.

Function: hex2rgb( 'hex color string' ).[obj R, G, B, RGB or a]

Description: Change a hexadecimal color string to an RGB color object.
Parameters: 1. (required) Hexadecimal string, with or without the hash mark '#'.
Return Values: Returns an object with 5 properties.
R, G & B - A single integer value for any given primary.
RGB - A string with all primaries with spaces, ex. 255 255 255.
a - an Array of the integer values for R, G & B.
$c.hex2rgb('#ffffff').R   // returns: 255
$c.hex2rgb('#ffffff').RGB // returns: 255 255 255
$c.hex2rgb('#ffffff').a   // returns: [255, 255, 255] as Array.
0.1: Added

Function: hex2hsv ( 'hex color string' ).[obj H, S, V, HSV or a]

Description: Change a hexadecimal color string to an HSV color object.
Parameters: 1. (required) Hexadecimal string, with or without the hash mark '#'.
Return Values: Returns an object with 5 properties.
H, S & V - A single integer value for any given property.
HSV - A string with all properties with spaces, ex. 210 51 85.
a - an Array of the integer values for H, S & V.
$c.hex2hsv('#ffffff').H   // returns: 0
$c.hex2hsv('#ffffff').HSV // returns: 0 0 100
$c.hex2hsv('#ffffff').a   // returns: [0, 0, 100] as Array.
0.1: Added

Function: hsv2rgb ([obj H, S, V] or [Int H, S, V]).[obj R, G, B, RGB or a]

Description: Change an HSV color object or Int string to an RGB color object.

1. (required) Either an Object of [H, S, V] or an Integer of H.
2. (optional) an Integer of S.
3. (optional) an Integer of V.

Return Values: Returns an object with 5 properties.
R, G or B - A single integer value for any given property.
RBG - A string with all properties with spaces, ex. 210 51 85.
a - an Array of the integer values for H, S & V.
$c.hsv2rgb(130, 123, 132).R   // returns: X as R in RGB
$c.hsv2rgb(130, 123, 132).RGB  // returns: X X X as RGB in RGB
$c.hsv2rgb(130, 123, 132).a    // returns: [X, X, X] as R, G, B as an Array in RGB.
0.1: Added

Function: complement ( '#ffffff' )

Description: Get the complementary value of a hexadecimal color.
Parameters: 1. (required) A valid, 3 or 6 digit hexadecimal color with hash mark.
Return Values: Returns the complimentary value (string) of the provided color. E.g. #000000
$c.complement('#ffffff')  // returns: #000000)
0.1: Added
0.2: Updated with a RegEx match to better tell the diff between hex and RGB.
1.0: Now supports 3 digit hex colors (#000).

Function: complement ( [obj R, G, B] or R, G, B )

Description: Get the complementary value of an RGB color.
Parameters: 1. (required) A valid RGB color either as an [object] or as properties.
Return Values: Returns an object with 5 properties.
R, G & B - A single integer complimentary value for any given primary.
RGB - A string with all primaries with spaces, ex. 255 255 255.
a - an Array of the complimentary integer values for R, G & B.
$c.complement([0, 0, 0]).R   // returns: 255
$c.complement( 0, 0, 0 ).RGB // returns: 255 255 255
$c.complement([0, 0, 0]).a   // returns: [255, 255, 255] as Array.
0.1: Added
0.2: Updated with a RegEx match to better tell the diff between hex and RGB.

Function: name2hex ( 'color name' )

Description: Get the hexadecimal value of an HTML color name. Must be one of the 176 HTML color names as defined by the HTML & CSS standards.
Parameters: 1. (required) A valid HTML color name as defined by the HTML & CSS standards.
Return Values: Returns a hexadecimal color value for the given name.
$c.name2hex('red')  // returns: '#ff0000'
0.1: Added

Function: name2rgb ( 'color name' )

Description: Get an RGB object value of an HTML named color.
Parameters: 1. (required) A valid HTML color name as defined by the HTML & CSS standards.
Return Values: Returns a given HTML name in an RGB object.
$c.name2rgb('red').R   // returns: 255
$c.name2rgb('red').RGB // returns: 255 0 0
$c.name2rgb('red').a   // returns: [255, 0, 0]
0.1: Added

Function: name2hsv ( 'color name' )

Description: Get an HSV object value of an HTML named color.
Parameters: 1. (required) A valid HTML color name as defined by the HTML & CSS standards.
Return Values: Returns a given HTML name as an HSV object.
$c.name2hsv('red').H   // returns: 0
$c.name2hsv('red').HSV // returns: 0 100 100
$c.name2hsv('red').a   // returns: [0, 100, 100]
0.1: Added

Function: rand ( color mode )

Description: Get a random color in either hexadecimal or RGB color modes.
Parameters: 1. (optional, string) Can be either 'hex' or 'RGB'. Hex is default.
Return Values: Returns a random color either in a hexadecimal string or an RGB object.
$c.rand()          // returns: '#xxxxxx'
$c.rand('hex')     // returns: '#xxxxxx'
$c.rand('rgb').R   // returns: XXX
$c.rand('rgb').RGB // returns: XXX XXX XXX
$c.rand('rgb').a   // returns: [XXX, XXX, XXX]
0.2: Added