Ivan Theroff (Dad)

Close the Gate

Close the Gate © Poem by Nancy Kraayenhof & Adapted by Mark Roy (Read at Funeral)

For this one farmer the worries are over, lie down and rest your head,
Your time has been and struggles enough, put the tractor in the shed.

American farmer

Years were not easy, many downright hard, but your faith in God transcended,
Put away your tools and sleep in peace. The fences have all been mended.

You raised a fine family, worked the land well under the hot, summer sun,
Hang up your shovel inside the barn; your work on earth is done.

A faith few possess led your journey thru life, often a jagged and stony way,
The sun is setting, the crops are harvested and here now is the end of your day.

Your love of God’s soil has passed on to your kin, the stories flow like good beer,
Wash off your boots in the puddle of rain, for there is nothing more to fear.

You always believed that the good Lord would provide and He always had somehow,
Take off your gloves and put them away, no more sweat and worry for you now.

Your labor is done, your home now is heaven; no more must you wait,
Your legacy lives on, your love of the Land, and yes Dad – we will close the gate …

Ivan "Ike" F. Theroff, 86, McLouth, KS, passed away on May 11, 2018 at home with his family by his side.

Ike was born October 8, 1931 in Kansas City, KS, the son of August and Martha (Tillisch) Theroff.

He married Mary Ann Monahan on June 20, 1953 in Kansas City KS. She survives the home.

Ivan was known as; son, brother, husband, dad, Grandpa, Pop, Stocking Cap Ike, Chief, Captain, Papa Smurf to name a few.

Ike worked his entire life on their farm with Mary Ann. He also served on several boards, School Board, Water board, Farm Bureau, Coop, Steam Engine Association.... He was a member of the Union Township fire department finishing as Fire Chief. He was a collector of odd ball things and always had to make a trip to southern MO to see the Dogwoods in bloom.

Other survivors include his children, Darlene Taylor (Ike), Charlene Crain (Jim), Ivan Luke Theroff, Mary Lou Shaver, 11 grandchildren, 23 great grandchildren and 1 great great grandchild; 4 Sisters, Judy Sutherland, Kathy Padilla, Patty Menke, and Donnetta Kessler.

He was preceded in death by his parents, August & Martha; stepmother, June; and brother, Charles and many other loved ones.

American farmer

Adam Shaver

To my grandfather. Even though I never got to tell you I love you before you went to see the good Lord in his kingdom. I love you and will miss you I know you are proud of the man I have become. I know you will always be there when I need you. I just wish we all had one more road trip to Sikeston or some long trip that we all enjoyed. Lay in peace and enjoy your much needed rest until we meet again at the pearling gates where we shall have ever lasting life.

Melissa Rieke

Our hearts are broken but we know he is finally free of suffering and pain...and he is in Heaven farming and "picking" some of the greatest treasures to start his new collection! If you knew my Grandpa Theroff (Stocking Cap Ike) you knew he was one of the greatest men around. He will be truly missed.

American farmer

Kari Myers Lash

Prayers to the Theroff family, Heaven got a good un today! Here's to Grandpa Theroff!


By an Unknown Author

We’ll always remember
that special smile,
that caring heart,
that warm embrace,
you always gave us.
You being there for Mom and us,
through good and bad times,
no matter what.

We’ll always remember you Dad because they’ll never be another one to replace you in our hearts, and the love we will always have for you.

American farmer

Goodbye Dad

© Leanne Brady Published: January 2017

It's never the right time
To say goodbye.
I will miss you, Dad,
And here is why.
You taught me so much:
To show no fear,
To always have fun,
And face the day with cheer.

You were always so able,
So fast and so strong.
In your little girl's eyes
You could do no wrong.
You would always listen,
And you never pried.
You were the arms around me
When I cried.

You never looked for praises,
And you were never one to boast.
You were always there
For those you loved the most.

You worked so hard,
And those strong working hands
Led me through life
And helped me understand
That life can be hard,
And tough, and sad,
But through it all
I had my Dad.

And because of you,
I understood
That life was actually
Pretty good.
I believe in you
And will follow your path,
And when things go wrong,
I'll look back and laugh.

I hope you can hear me
So I can let you know
That you were and will forever
Be my superhero.
So yes, today
I am full of sorrow,
But I will smile a little more
With each tomorrow.

So please, Dad, go
Be at rest
And know to me
You were always the best.

I love you so much and miss you every day!

Ringing of the Bell

Fire Dept. Full Honors Bell

“Last Alarm” Ceremony

The life of a firefighter is closely associated with the ringing of a bell.

As he begins his hours of duty; it was the bell that started it off. Through the day and night, each alarm is sounded by a bell, that called him to fight fire and to place his life in jeopardy for the good of his fellow man.

And when the fire is out and the alarm has come to an end, the bell rings three times to signal the end. And now Ivan Theroff has completed the task, his duties well done and the bellrings three times in memory of, and, in tribute to, his life and service.

In the past, as fire fighters began their tour of duty, it was the bell that signaled the beginning of that day's shift. Throughout the day and night, each alarm was sounded by a bell, which summoned these brave souls to fight fires and to place their lives in jeopardy for the good of their fellow citizen. And when the fire was out and the alarm had come to an end, it was the bell that signaled to all the completion of that call. When a fire fighter had died in the line of duty, paying the supreme sacrifice, it was the mournful toll of the bell that solemnly announced a comrades passing.

We utilize these traditions as symbols, which reflect honor and respect on those who have given so much and who have served so well.

Fireman's Prayer

Fire Dept. Full Honors

When I am called to duty, God
Wherever flames may rage
Give me strength to save a life
Whatever be its age.

Let me embrace a little child
Before it is too late
Or save an older person from
The horror of that fate.

Enable me to be alert
And hear the weakest shout,
and quickly and efficiently
To put the fire out.

I want to fill my calling
To give the best in me,
To guard my friend and neighbor
And protect their property.

And, if, according to your will,
While on duty I must answer death's call;
Bless with your protecting hand
My family, one and all.


Fire Dept. Full Honors

A Firefighters Prayer

I call upon You for strength and guidance.
Look kindly upon us in our needs.
Teach us to look always to You for assistance,
as our fellow citizens look to us.
Give us courage, that we may import courage
to others. Make us studious, and give us pride
and joy in our work.
When the gong sounds, calling us to duty,
give us speed and efficiency.
As our siren wails, ride with us through the
city streets, shielding us from danger.
On the fire scene, may our officers and men
always work as an honorable, courageous
and victorious team.
Walk with us through the terror of flame
and explosion.
May our hearts be always ready if we should
be summoned before our Eternal Chief in the midst
of our labors.
Through our ministrations to our suffering
fellow-men, we dedicate our lives humbly to
Your praise and glory.
In joy or sorrow, we ask only that You may be
pleased with our service, that when the Last Alarm
shall have sounded for us, we may receive
our eternal assignment with you.
-Author Unknown

Fire Dept. Full Honors

A Fire Chief’s Prayer

(In memory of Ivan Theroff, Formar Chief, Dist #9 Fire Dept.)
I am called to many duties, Lord
And now I’ve been called home.
I’ve had to leave the ones I love
To stand before your throne.
I’ll not complain, it’s not my way
But there are some things I’ll ask
And please, Lord, grant them to me
For the loved ones I hold fast.
I dare to ask because I know
How you’ve blessed in the past.
I’ve learned to trust your grace, O Lord
That’s how I’ve come this far
So now, O God, I humbly pray, Hear this Fire Chiefs prayer.
Bless my wife and family—so often left alone,
They knew where I was going and
Trusted you to bring me home.
Well, now I’m home and wait for them
Keep them within the faith—that one day,
Someday, we’ll be together in this place.
And O dear God, bless my men
I trained them as best I could.
I tried to do your will with them
And lead them as You would.
I need to know You’re with them Lord
Or else how can I stay
And peacefully enjoy this place of endless day.
This heaven where there is no night,
No fire to kill and burn
I guess that’s why it’s now my rest, my place, my turn.
And Lord, be with my community
And keep it safe as it can be
For all its folks are special, and very dear to me.
They are all my friends, and by your grace
I served them as best I could
So hear this Fire Chiefs prayer, O Lord
And grant it please — I already knew You would.
Ivan was known as; son, brother, husband, dad, Grandpa, Pop, Stocking Cap Ike, Chief, Captain, Papa Smurf to name a few.
me-dad Fire Dept. Full Honors Bell Fire Dept. Full Honors